Dr. Tiejun Zhao, professor of Research Center of Language Technology, School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology. He is associate dean of SCST and director of Ministry of Education-Microsoft Key Laboratory of NLP & Speech in HIT. He is associate director of Machine Translation Subject Committee of Chinese Information Processing Society, the member of editorial board of Journal of Chinese Information Processing, Journal of Automation, the senior member and associate director of Chinese Computing Committee of China Computer Federation. His research fields include: natural language understanding, content-based web information processing, applied artificial intelligence. Now he teaches the courses of Artificial Intelligence, Chinese segmentation, Named Entity Recognition for master students and undergraduates in HIT. He has done and is doing about 10 projects from Natural Science Foundation of China, 863 High-Tech Program, Ministry of Science and Technology etc. in recent 5 years. He has won 5 prizes of Ministry-level science & technology awards. He published 3 academic books and has published over 60 papers on journals and conferences in recent 3 years. Dr. Zhao is active in international NLP community and has been a PC member on ACL, COLING and EMNLP in current 5 years. He was also assigned an MT Track Co-chair on COLING 2014 as the representative of Asia region.
赵铁军博士,哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学与技术学院语言技术研究中心教授、博士生导师,哈工大计算机学院副院长、哈工大语言语音教育部-微软重点实验室主任。他目前担任中国中文信息学会理事、中文信息学会机器翻译专业委员会副主任、《中文信息学报》、《自动化学报》编委、中国计算机学会高级会员、中文信息技术专业委员会副主任。主要研究方向:自然语言理解、基于内容的网络信息处理、人工智能应用。在哈工大讲授“人工智能原理”、“汉语分词与命名实体识别”等研究生和本科生课程。先后承担国家自然科学基金重点项目和面上项目、国家863计划重大和重点项目、国际合作项目、总装重点基金等10余项,获得部级科技进步二等奖1项(排名第二)、三等奖3项(排名第一);已培养博士22人。5年来在本领域顶级国际会议和国内外重要刊物上发表学术论文74篇, 出版专著2部、译著1部。是全国机器翻译研讨会2014大会主席、国际计算语言学大会COLING2014机器翻译领域联合主席。