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发布人:系统管理员  发布时间:2017-12-14   浏览次数:2


Message from the President of NICT
The National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) was established in April 2004 as a new incorporated administrative agency by the unification of Communications Research Laboratory (CRL), an incorporated administrative agency, and Telecommunications Advancement Organization (TAO), a chartered corporation.

NICT conducts research and development of information and communications technology, which will support the forthcoming ubiquitous network society, from a coherent and integrated perspective encompassing its groundwork to its applications, also offering comprehensive project support in the field of information and communications.

A new five-year middle-term plan period started in April 2006. At this important turning point, we have consolidated our past research and development into three areas of researches, the "New-generation Network Construction Technology", the "Universal Communication Foundations Technology", and the "ICT for Safety and Security", while substantially reconstructing our research organization to promote such research and development.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is a field of technology that forms the foundations to support all the industrial activities. Crystallizing the future image of the information and communications society described by the term "universal communication", we will continue sustaining national policies for information and communications from the technological aspect, with a vocation to responsibly promote research and development of technologies that should support such society''''s foundations. At the same time, we will endeavor to realize a vibrant society and prosperous lifestyles by closely cooperating with universities and the industrial world, besides with international research organizations, and by actively diffusing the outcomes of our researches into society.