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International Forum on Theory of Granular Computing from Rough Set Perspective
发布人:系统管理员  发布时间:2017-12-14   浏览次数:4

Call For Papers
International Forum on Theory of Granular Computing from Rough Set Perspective
Nanchang in China
July 20-22, 2006
Sponsored by Nanchang Institute of Technology
Granular computing (GrC) is a general computation theory for effectively using granules such as classes, clusters, subsets, groups and intervals to build an efficient computational model for complex applications with huge amounts of data, information and knowledge. Though the label is relatively recent, the basic notions and principles of granular computing, under different names, have appeared in many related fields, such as information hiding in programming, granularity in artificial intelligence, divide and conquer in theoretical computer science, interval computing, cluster analysis, fuzzy and rough set theories, neursophic computing, quotient space theory, belief functions, machine learning, database, and many others. In past few years, we have witnessed a renewed and fast growing interest in GrC. Granular computing has begun to play important roles in bioinformatics, e-business, security, data mining, high-performance computing, and wireless mobile, computing in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, robustness, and uncertainty. These researches are effective results of Rough Set studying in recent years. So, Granular Computing should be the perspective of Rough Set development.
The 2006 international forum on theory of granular computing (IFTGrC2006)  will be held at Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang in China. The forum will provide researchers and practitioners a platform to explore the theory and methodologies of granular computing and to develop wide range of applications, such as data mining, soft computing, bioinformatics, e-intelligence, security, distributed computing, quantum computing and etc.

Following Listed by Name Letters Order

General Co-Chair:
T.Y.Lin (U.S.A)
A.Skowron (Poland)
Z.F.Wang (China)
B. Zhang (China)
Program Co-Chair:
Q.Liu (China)
H. Sun (China)
Y.Y.Yao (Canada)
N.Zhong (Japan)
Aim and Scope
Granular computing                                    Applications of Granular Computing 
Theory and methodologies of Granular Computing                  Quantum computing                                 Rough set theory and applications                         Rough Set Prospective 
Fuzzy set theory and applications                          Bioinformatics 
Knowledge discovery and data mining                      Machine learning
Approximate and uncertainty reasoning                     Computing with words 
Complexity aspects of Granular computing                                        Computational intelligence
Decision support systems                                Evolutionary computing
Hybrid and integrated intelligent systems                                            Intelligent information systems
Logical aspects of soft computing                          Multi-agent systems
Pattern recognition and image processing                                           Neural networks                                      
Non-classical logic                                      Spatial reasoning
Paper Submission: 
Both research and application papers are solicited. All submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity. Please send a PDF version of your paper by May 31, 2006, via the conference email address: 
.Paper Publication:
·  The proceedings of Forum on Theory of Granular Computing from Rough Set Prospective
by Journal of Nanchang Institute of Technology(Formal), Nanchang
·  The Book: <<The Theory of Granular Computing
 ----from Rough Set Prospective>> by Science Press, Beijing.
·  The Proceedings of IEEE GrC2007 by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.
The registration will decided by paper publication. Such as, published in Journal, Registered by Journal of Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang 
published in Book, Registered by Science Press. published in proceedings, Registration by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
Important Dates:
Full paper submission:            May 31, 2006
Acceptance notices:                     June 15, 2006
Camera-ready papers:           June 30, 2006
Conference:              July 20-22, 2006